Rhonda Provazek


This cookbook results from my passion for cooking for the beautiful men and women who sacrificially serve our country. It is my pleasure to pass on recipes that one can make quickly as well as some that are our family favorites. Never doubt that anything can be a ministry, yes even cooking

Rhonda Provazek serves with her husband as Pastors/Directors of New Hope Christian Center in Sigonella, Sicily, a ministry that reaches U.S. military serving overseas and is part of Freedom Outreach, Ministry to the Military (mttm.org). She holds a Bachelor’s in Music from the University of St. Thomas in Houston and has spent several years teaching music at the Middle School and on a private level. A mother of three and grandmother of four, she enjoys cooking and passing on both old and new recipes to her immediate and extended family.

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Shakshuka Pumpkin Soup
Chicken and Dumplings Buttermilk pie
Czech meat and gravy with Sauerkraut and potatoes Korean Beef
Persian Chicken and rice Beef Stroganov
Baked gnocchi Mango Chicken
Caldo de Pollo Potato salad
Fried chicken Korean Fried Chicken
Smothered Spinach Mushroom Chicken Ethiopian Beef Wat
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